Local Suppliers

Details of local Tile Suppliers used by TIle Doctor Lancashire

Rockform Tiles Preston

Rockform Tiles Preston

I took the photographs below at Rockform who we often use for sourcing difficult to find tiles. Tony and Mark who run the shop have been in the business for many years and have a vast wealth of knowledge so I can highly recommend them; they can be found on the (A6) Garstang Road at Brock, Near Preston.

Rockform Tiles Preston
Rockform Tiles Preston Rockform Tiles Preston
Rockform Tiles Preston Rockform Tiles Preston

Rockform Ltd can be found on the (A6) Garstang Road, Brock, Near Preston, Lancashire, PR3 0RD

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Kendal Tile and Stone

Kendal Tile and Stone

I took the photographs below at Kendal Tile and Stone who we are one of the local suppliers we use to source replacement tile and grout etc. We have built a good relationship with Kendal Tiles since they started their operation over 7 years ago, it’s run by a small team of very experienced tile retailers including co-owners Rob Milligan and James Turner in fact Rob used to be an employee at the shop and he liked the business so much he bought the business.

Kendal Tiles are not just retailers who are looking to push products these guys really know their Onions so if you require valuable and factually correct advice on Tiles, Stone, Adhesives and Grout then I can highly recommend them; so if you live in the South Lakeland area do pop in and take a look, they can be found in the Shap Road Industrial Estate, Kendal.

Kendal Tile and Stone
Kendal Tile and Stone
Kendal Tile and Stone
Kendal Tile and Stone
Kendal Tile and Stone
Kendal Tile and Stone
Kendal Tile and Stone
Kendal Tile and Stone
Kendal Tile and Stone
Kendal Tile and Stone
Kendal Tile and Stone
Kendal Tile and Stone

Kendal Tile and Stone is situated on the northern outskirts of Kendal in Chancel Place, Shap Road Industrial Estate, just off the A6 ‘Shap Road’, postcode LA9 6NZ.

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